Support Pack 443

We are currently at $8470 towards our goal of raising $12,000 to cover our expenses this year.

Thank you for helping to support Cub Scouts in your area! If you are able to contribute - thank you!  If you are not in a position to help currently - then please pass our information on to others - that is a huge help as well!  Thank you!

Buy Popcorn Online

One of the easiest (and tastiest) ways to help support Pack 443 is to buy delicious Trail's End Popcorn from our scouts' online stores.  Ask a scout you know for their online popcorn sales page or click below to be directed to one of Pack 443's stellar seller scouts!

Find our next "Pop-up" Popcorn Sale

Want to get out of the house and support a great cause?  Check out our next "Pop-up" popcorn event.  We are still trying to arrange local storefront and sidewalk sales - so keep an eye on our Facebook page and share with your friends!  Once again - thank you for your support.

Donate to Pack 443

Help Pack 443 continue to give the youth of Spanish Springs a top-notch outdoor experience!  What other program teaches hiking, fishing, camping, STEM, archery and BB gun safety while promoting conservation, respect, and duty to God and country?  If you wish to make a donation, please use the give online button or contact us at to make arrangements.